August 20, 2021
Orange, CA – Help shape the future of Orange by getting involved in the redistricting process! The City of Orange will be holding a public workshop on August 25, 2021 at 6pm located at Grijalva Park Sports Center, 368 N. Prospect Ave.
Every 10 years, public agencies must redistrict to determine how current boundaries of their voting districts might be redrawn based on recent Census data. This process will include substantial outreach to City of Orange residents to ensure council districts meet requirements for population equality and voting rights protections as well as respect for neighborhoods, history and geographical elements.
Residents will have an opportunity to get involved with the city’s redistricting efforts by attending the first public workshop on August 25 at 6:00 p.m. This workshop will educate residents on the redistricting process, discuss how the public can be involved and allow the public to share their thoughts on communities of interest. National Demographics Corporation will also be present to train the public on how to use all available mapping tools, including paper tools, DistrictR and Maptitude.
Residents can also learn more about the city’s redistricting efforts, find out how to get involved, and access a number of educational resources at
On the Orange Districts website, residents can learn about opportunities to participate in the process through four public hearings plus an information session on map-drawing tools. Residents will also find a tentative schedule of hearings and workshops as dates are determined, so please check the website for details.
Soon, residents will also be able to use online map-drawing tools to submit their own suggestions for redivided City districts and offer feedback on previously-drawn maps.
For more information on the City of Orange’s redistricting process or to sign up for updates and information, visit